Hello, i'm very glad to announce that i'm releasing my new track [Silence In The Ruins], as part of the new compilation album by Fujimi Industry Records [Observer]
Silence In The Ruins is a dark and very extreme hardcore track inspired by my work on the EP [World After Destruction], taking all their elements, music and story.
a portrait of the remains of an extinct civilization, now those remains are covered in absolute silence...
I hope that you like the track :3
You can listen the track here:
Album credits:
Album: Observer
Catalog Number : FIR178
Produced & Mastered by Coakira
Artworks by KoTHa
Presented by Fujimi Industry Records 2024
Album website: https://sound.jp/fujimi/fir178.html
Bandcamp (Download / CD): https://fujimi.bandcamp.com/album/observer
If you are curious about [World After Destruction], you can listen the complete EP here: